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Berikut soal descriptive text describing someone selengkapnya. Milo has long whiskers and green eyes. Lengkap disertai gambar Contoh Soal Narrative Text Smp Kelas 9.
Descriptive text adalah salah satu jenis text yang paling populer dikalangan siswa. Berikut soal ulangan descriptive text pilihan ganda. Though he is not a pricey cat I love him so much.
Nah pada kelas 8 muncul kembali materi descriptive text. I keep some dogs in my house. He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me.
I found him in front of my house. Milo is my pet. He is not an expensive cat.
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Coba kalian bayangkan bagaimana suasana bentuk dan. I put them all in one tank in my room. READING Read the text and choose the correct answer to answer the questions.
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